Calc I

Activity: Halloween Optimization  👻

1. Split students into 5-6 groups or groups of 3-5  to solve the optimization problems in class.

2. Assign groups by cutting out the emojis on the attached files to form cards ( last page of document) and having students "Trick or treat" by drawing a card  out of a hat as they enter class.  

Suggested Group Assignments: 

3. Let students work on problems and if time allows, have them rotate.  (Halloween music optional but encouraged) 👻 

👻Spooky Optimization Halloween Activity (docx) 

👻Spooky Optimization Halloween Activity (pdf)

👻Spooky Solutions

👻Note:  If you download the docx file you can view the emoji icons and equations normally, otherwise there are viewing issues 👻

4.  Have them present their fated problems to the class. 

👻Alternative:  You can also assign three larger groups to each work on two problems and pick a problem to present. That way if they get stuck on a problem they can look at another problem.